Your Thoughts Matter

Our thoughts are the foundation of everything we do and everything we are. They shape our perceptions, beliefs, and have the power to influence not only ourselves, but the world around us.

By taking the time to examine our thoughts, we become more aware of the impact they have on our lives. We can identify patterns and tendencies, like automatic negative thoughts (ANT’s) that may be holding us back or preventing us from reaching our full potential.

As you can see, your thoughts matter. So, now what?

Become The Observer

It starts with observation. Yep, by simply paying attention to our thoughts, automatic and otherwise, we can learn to cultivate a positive and empowering mindset.

Therefore, it is essential that we become the observer of our thoughts. Then we can challenge automatic negative thoughts & negative self-talk, and replace it with affirming, supportive language that helps us build confidence and resilience.

The words we speak and the actions we take are all rooted in the thoughts that we choose to entertain.


Moreover, our thoughts can impact those around us. The words we speak and the actions we take are all rooted int he thoughts that we choose to entertain. When we focus on positive and compassionate thoughts, we spread those same feelings to those around us.

The Big Picture

It’s crucial to recognize the value of our thoughts to work on cultivating a mindset that supports our goals and the well-being of those around us. Our thoughts matter because they are the building block of our lives with the power to shape reality in countless ways. Good and bad, It all begins with a thought.

So be mindful of the thoughts you keep.

Thanks for reading! We know video is king so we appreciate you taking the time to be here. How do you combat those p.i.t.a. automatic negative thoughts? We would love to learn how you combat a.n.t.s. in your life so we can share it in a future post.

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