On The Stroke Of Midnight

On the stroke of midnight tonight,
perhaps you could congratulate yourself
for coping.
For breaking... again.
For rebuilding... again.

For catching the stones life has thrown at you
and using them to build your castle
that little bit m

And if you have used those stones to block yourself in for the 'heal',
perhaps you can realign them this year.
Make a grander gate, not a higher wall.

YOU have endured... - Donna Ashworth

Here we are, already nearly to May and I am just now posting this planned “New Years” inspiration. Clearly I am behind… and this happens to me often. Chunks of time vanish on me… !poof!… and before I know it, it’s a new season, a new day, a new dream and I have no perception of the time that has passed. (Other than the older woman staring back at me in the mirror, that is.)

At one time, this was a “preservation” behavior. Because, to live within the circumstances that became my life, I had to become numb. I had to find a way to live, while in a state of mourning, a state of missing… and if I had allowed myself to feel all of that, well, I am afraid I don’t know where I would be today.

“Clarity” A Gift From The Passage Of Time

Time. We can’t see it, yet it ticks on regardless of us. And in the whirlwind of life’s chaos, time gifts us something truly special…Clarity. It’s not a sudden revelation or an epiphany that strikes like lightening. No, clarity arrives softly, like the dawn breaking after a long and dark night. Likely, this time is needed to absorb the truth that comes with it and the following… resistance to what is or the acceptance of it.

Resistance will equate to misery. While acceptance will teach one to ride the waves of life.

And a long with clarity often comes a peace… a calmness that settles deep within the soul.

So friends, if you find yourself off course, with well planned intentions set aside, don’t berate yourself for this. You must have needed the time. Pat yourself on the back for catching yourself in “auto-pilot” and get yourself back on course. Do those things you planned. Post the 6 month old blog post collecting dust. Step outside and feel the sunshine on your face… and try again.

In Conclusion

As we stand here at the threshold of another day, another dream, let’s not be haunted by the lost moments or the reflection of the years etched upon our faces. Instead, let’s embrace ourselves and learn from the clarity time brings, bathing in the solace of its truth. Do those things you planned, or plan new things to do. As long as you try again.

That is what life is all about… we stumble, fall, and get up again. Remember that each day is the perfect day to be the most incredible, most unique being on this planet… YOU.

If this reflection resonated with you, I invite you to like, love, and share this post with others who may need to hear these words. Alone we can only do so much, but together, we can change the world.

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