

I’ve had a love affair with words for as long as I can remember. At 11 years old, I wrote my first poem about sadness and wrote ferociously from that point on. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I had already learned to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders, like Atlas. But without the tools or strength to do so. I can remember crying as I prayed to a higher power to heal all of mankind’s sorrows. I felt deeply from a very young age. This sorrow and compassion became my Muse. I wrote out my emotions, struggles, dreams, and aspirations. With verse & prose, I made sense of the world around me.  I found solace in the power of language. It became my refuge, my sanctuary. With every stroke, I could release the weight that burdened my soul. Through the ebb and flow of ink on paper, my pain transformed into art, my sadness into strength.

Sadly, much of my adult life was a struggle. My enemy, made of flesh and blood, was unidentifiable at first… Because it was me. But the struggle was entirely my own – based on my thoughts & perceptions, attributed to various false constructs I put value in. Now, finally, on the other side of that hell, words help me. They help me navigate my emotions and memories; piece together what I need to learn from, or what I need to hold fiercely & dearly, or clawed & burned from memory. Words help me heal.

My enemy, made of flesh and blood, was unidentifiable at first… Because it was me. But the struggle was entirely my own – based on my thoughts & perceptions, attributed to various false constructs I put value in.


Of most importance to me though, words help me share my experience with you. There will be times when you are screaming at the screen because you can clearly see the head-on collision headed my way. Yet, I cannot. Through my words, I strive to create a ripple effect, a cascade of inspiration that ignites the flame within others.

So, as you embark on this journey with me, remember that your emotions are valid, your experiences are significant, and your voice deserves to be heard. Together, let us weave a tapestry of resilience, compassion, and self-discovery. Let us embrace the power of words and the transformative impact they can have on our lives.

You may cry with me, and that is okay too. As you follow my journey, it’s my utmost hope that you feel something. That something I say resonates and helps motivate you to live your best life. I hope to inspire you to become the master of yourself, and to find your personal greatness… And if your greatness can’t be found, I hope to inspire you to effin’ create it.

❤ Muse