
Stop searching outside of yourself for what’s been there all along! Happiness isn’t a “place” to find or “things” to buy. Happiness is the radiant smile in your heart, the warmth of connection with others, and the joy of being content in the present moment. … Continue reading Happiness

I Love Blue

I love blue… splashed across the infinite sky,         the dark blueish-black of night,            to display the magic and wonder of stars burning bright.       As much as the gray of a stormy sky ~ or the chaos revealed in your calming blue eyes.  Like the blue … Continue reading I Love Blue

Inspiration Isn’t

Inspiration isn’t: perfection.It isn’t smiling for the camera,Or a fake display of positivity.Instead… inspiration is birthed of authenticity.Created from desperation,It is an eye witness of vulnerability.Inspiration isn’t: having all the answers before putting in the work.It isn’t speaking just to be heard,nor stringing together a … Continue reading Inspiration Isn’t