Tag: poem

22 Years

22 Years: Read poem below or listen to the audio… or both. You choose. It has been 22 years,Asking the question “Why?” Though, knowing the answer,wouldn’t make it right.Wondering…Who you would be, What you would have made of your life.Would you burn out, or continue … Continue reading 22 Years


Stop searching outside of yourself for what’s been there all along! Happiness isn’t a “place” to find or “things” to buy. Happiness is the radiant smile in your heart, the warmth of connection with others, and the joy of being content in the present moment. … Continue reading Happiness

I Love Blue

I love blue… splashed across the infinite sky,         the dark blueish-black of night,            to display the magic and wonder of stars burning bright.       As much as the gray of a stormy sky ~ or the chaos revealed in your calming blue eyes.  Like the blue … Continue reading I Love Blue

Inspiration Isn’t

Inspiration isn’t: perfection.It isn’t smiling for the camera,Or a fake display of positivity.Instead… inspiration is birthed of authenticity.Created from desperation,It is an eye witness of vulnerability.Inspiration isn’t: having all the answers before putting in the work.It isn’t speaking just to be heard,nor stringing together a … Continue reading Inspiration Isn’t

PAIN- A Poem

When you and your pain are one and the same, It’s an unwelcome guest who always remains. It just finds new crevices to slither and seep, And the tears flow back into your viens, Only to repeat…. ~ Muse